Bahar Ahmadifard

I am an interdisciplinary freelance artist, researcher, writer, translator and interpreter, with a focus on literature, history and visual arts. I completed my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Photography at Tehran University of Art in 2016 and 2019 respectively. My thesis was titled “Recurring Concepts in Contemporary Critical Discourse on Iranian Photography”.

Throughout my career, I have explored various topics, including Artistic Research and Fine Art Photography. I have been active as a curator, educator and mediator in several projects, such as “Future: as a Point of Departure”, a literary self-portrait as an alternative novelistic approach, “Learning Photography at Tehran University of Art; A Simulator”, my ongoing curatorial project, as well as “Dust to Come” for Mosaic Rooms’ Future Threads and Hermap Art Projects’ online residency with Goethe Institute and Bozar, Brussels.

Recently, I was selected for a two-week curatorial residency with Les Instants Vidéo Numériques et Poétiques team in Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, France. I was also invited for a 45-minute Carte Blanche for Festival Les Instants Vidéo.

I have published several critical texts on Iranian contemporary Photography in arts and culture magazines. My published literary translation books include “Loitering with Intent” by Muriel Spark, “How Fiction Works” by James Wood, as well as Harold Bloom’s Critical Essays on Modern Literature.

I’m a board member and regular contributor to Poetica Project, a collective and online publication since 2015, and the New Media Society archive and library Parking video library since 2018. Currently, I live and work in Tehran.